‘Ugly’ fossil places extinct saber tooth cat in Texas
A nondescript mass of bone and teeth helped expand the geographic footprint of a large cat that lived tens of thousands of years ago.
A nondescript mass of bone and teeth helped expand the geographic footprint of a large cat that lived tens of thousands of years ago.
Evidence suggests saber-toothed cats held onto their baby teeth to stabilize their sabers, researchers report.
Wheezing is often a strong indication of asthma, but there are also other signs that can help make a diagnosis. An expert fills you in.
Canada lynx might do just fine in areas of the US, even considering climate change and the lack of lynx in those areas now.
To communicate, domestic cats send signals to each other using odors derived from families of bacteria living in their anal glands.
A new study investigates lions’ interactions with humans in a diminishing habitat.
The shape of a few small bones may be the key to what sounds—a mighty roar or a throaty purr—a sabertooth tiger made.
The shape of a few small bones may be the key to what sounds—a mighty roar or a throaty purr—a sabertooth tiger made.
“…declawing a cat is not like trimming our fingernails; rather, it is removing part or all of the last bone of each digit.”
“…declawing a cat is not like trimming our fingernails; rather, it is removing part or all of the last bone of each digit.”