Asthma and eczema linked to higher osteoarthritis risk
People who have asthma or eczema are more likely to develop osteoarthritis, researchers find. The risk is even higher for people with both.
People who have asthma or eczema are more likely to develop osteoarthritis, researchers find. The risk is even higher for people with both.
People who have asthma or eczema are more likely to develop osteoarthritis, researchers find. The risk is even higher for people with both.
Kids with both asthma and hay fever not only have worse asthma outcomes, but many also don’t receive proper care.
“The practical implication is simple: Avoid antibiotic use in young children whenever you can…”
If one biologic medication for asthma didn’t work, don’t give up. Those who try different options often find one that works, researchers say.
New research solves a long-standing asthma mystery: Why do some people with the most severe cases respond least to the standard treatment?
New research solves a long-standing asthma mystery: Why do some people with the most severe cases respond least to the standard treatment?
Combining two drugs dramatically reduces the chances of suffering an asthma attack, a new study shows.
Each year in the US, more than 300 children and young adults die of asthma attacks that are often preventable. Knowing your child’s triggers can help.
Each year in the US, more than 300 children and young adults die of asthma attacks that are often preventable. Knowing your child’s triggers can help.