Dental X-rays are safe without the lead apron
The risk of radiation exposure from dental X-rays is low, say experts. It’s so low that you don’t actually need that lead apron.
The risk of radiation exposure from dental X-rays is low, say experts. It’s so low that you don’t actually need that lead apron.
New poll results indicate a gap between parents’ views on independence for kids and their propensity for “helicopter parenting.”
Self-driving cars that are “connected” can cut down on travel time, but when they don’t communicate, AVs can actually slow things down.
“Used child essentials are often more cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and convenient,” but parents aren’t sure how to assess safety.
Expert Jen Lau has advice for parents to preventing children from drowning. Her advice include swimsuit color and designated watchers.
What gets a company to do better after a mistake, such as product recalls? New research finds some surprising answers.
What gets a company to do better after a mistake, such as product recalls? New research finds some surprising answers.
People who are told by a retailer about gun cable locks when they purchase a firearm are more than twice as likely to use them, a new study shows.
To be effective, digital safety education has to be ongoing and reinforced, “not only for the kids, but also for teachers and parents.”
To be effective, digital safety education has to be ongoing and reinforced, “not only for the kids, but also for teachers and parents.”