1 genetic mutation ups chance of having a daughter
Researchers have detected a human genetic variant that influences the chance of having a daughter.
Researchers have detected a human genetic variant that influences the chance of having a daughter.
An AI tool that detects differences in how the brains of men and women are organized at the cellular level, highlights the need for diversity in research.
An AI tool that detects differences in how the brains of men and women are organized at the cellular level, highlights the need for diversity in research.
A new study looks at whether human males are more egalitarian than are males among other mammals.
A modified suction cup device is effective at sexing chicken eggs early in incubation, report researchers.
Female and male mouse hearts respond differently to the stress hormone noradrenaline. That could have implications for human heart health.
Female and male mouse hearts respond differently to the stress hormone noradrenaline. That could have implications for human heart health.
Does having had COVID-19 change the body’s response to other threats? Depends on your sex, researchers report.
Does having had COVID-19 change the body’s response to other threats? Depends on your sex, researchers report.
A look at vascular insulin resistance shows how six cans of soda a day and being more sedentary affect men’s and women’s bodies.