IVG could one day turn human cells into eggs or sperm
What are the social, ethical, and legal implications of the ability to create eggs and sperm from any cell? An expert weighs in.
What are the social, ethical, and legal implications of the ability to create eggs and sperm from any cell? An expert weighs in.
Blocking a signaling pathway called Notch in skeletal stem cells in mice restored bone-healing ability lost during aging.
Researchers developed brain organoids from the stem cells of boys diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
Researchers developed brain organoids from the stem cells of boys diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
Research shows a new stem cell therapy repairs diseased heart cells, offering a potential cure for heart failure patients.
A new study points to “stuck” stem cells as a potential explanation as to why hair loses color and turns gray as people age.
Dry eye disease alters how the cornea heals itself after injury. Now, researchers have identified a gene and protein that could be targets for therapy.
A computer model, quantitative fate mapping, looks back in the developmental timeline to trace the origin of cells in a fully grown organism.
A computer model, quantitative fate mapping, looks back in the developmental timeline to trace the origin of cells in a fully grown organism.
New research indicates that “crosstalk” between stem cells in tumors and their environment leads to a loop that can promote cancer.